


超过450人加入了州长的行列. Pat McCrory and legislative leaders at a rally held Tuesday to kick off the campaign to pass the $2 billion Connect NC Bond package. 政府ernor McCrory cited specific examples of decaying class and research buildings at Western Carolina University and North Carolina A&T州立大学(T State University)为这些债券提供了理由. “我们有一个选择:为未来做准备吗, 还是我们希望未来的领导人不得不对我们没有做过的事情做出反应?麦克罗里州长说. 和他一起发言的还有前州最高法院法官鲍勃·奥尔, who is a co-chair of the bond campaign; House Speaker Tim Moore; Senate Minority Leader Dan Blue; N.C. State University trustee Ann Goodnight; and N.C. 州立大学校长兰迪·伍德森说.

开球仪式在比赛结束几周后举行 365足彩下载执行委员会投票赞成并支持债券倡议. 宣读委员会通过的决议 在这里. 债券将提供3.1亿美元的供水和下水道系统援助, 此外,还将拨款升级当地公园,为残疾人提供便利, and also upgrades for state parks whose visitors often benefit municipalities by patronizing local businesses. 债券的很大一部分将用于大学系统和社区学院建设.

The League staff is assisting members in their individual capacities as they help to promote the bond plan, as well as directing municipal governing bodies to educational and background materials regarding the proposal. 这些债券将于3月15日在选民面前投票. 我们提醒您,公共资金不能用于365体育足彩这一活动, 并鼓励你向你的市律师咨询你如何支持这个提议. 你可以找到有关债券包的大量信息 在这里 并查找有关支持该法案通过的努力的信息 在这里. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里. 联系 薇琪·米勒 or 罗斯·沃恩·威廉姆斯      

With an eye toward revamping how the state measures a community's level of economic distress, a legislative committee reviewed a report yesterday that suggested a total overhaul of the current three-tier rating system. 委员会主席代表. 苏珊·马丁告诉 联合立法及经济发展 & 全球参与监督委员会 that its charge was to make recommendations for replacing this system with a different tool to evaluate and designate areas of economic distress in North Carolina. 促使这一举措走向全面改革的报告, completed last month by the legislature's Program Evaluation Division in conjunction with organizations such as the League, concluded that the current ranking system no longer accomplished its original purpose of targeting state tax credits to businesses locating in poorer areas. (见 这篇12月lined In的文章 有关该报告的更多细节.)

Presentations 到 committee yesterday gave a hint as 到 new direction of how the state might measure economic distress. N.C. 商务部, 哪个国家会将任何新的公式作为其各种基础设施投资计划的一部分, suggested to legislators the new formula should emphasize the factors that caused economic distress: a large unemployed population, 低薪工作, 低财富家庭的比例很高, 教育水平低. 其他团体建议立法机关采用一种更灵活的工具,比如指数. And legislators themselves indicated interest in looking at data on a sub-county basis to capture pockets of economic distress that exist in all of the state's wealthiest counties. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

North Carolina's rural areas do not uniformly share the same economic performance characteristics, 城市地区也是如此, 一位经济分析师昨日对议员们表示. In 一个演示联合立法及经济发展 & 全球参与监督委员会, economic development consultant Ted Abernathy highlighted the differences in the economic performance of both rural and urban areas across the state. While noting that nearly 85 percent of the gross state product was generated in the state's top six urban job centers, he said the jobs actually held by a particular rural county's residents can depend  on commuting and proximity to urban areas, 还有其他因素,比如旅游活动. 对于该州的城市地区, 他提供的证据表明,就业增长的分布并不均匀,也不强劲.

在这些问题上,立法者讨论了联合国大会和联合国安理会.C. 商务部可以做些什么来帮助失业地区. Abernathy suggested that the commerce department could serve a quasi-consultant role for economically distressed rural areas, 帮助他们识别要建立的资产和要改进的缺陷. He also noted that investments in infrastructure -- like those that municipalities typically make with water, sewer and transportation projects -- were often at the top of business' lists of considerations when choosing w在这里 to build or expand. 最后, he stressed the importance of creating communities of all sizes with the character and amenities people value, 声明, “如果你没有一个人们想要的社区, 你没有一个公司想去的地方."

参议院多数党领袖哈里·布朗 强调了阿伯纳西的一个观点, saying state officials may need to focus more on water and sewer system development as a means of promoting economic development in rural areas of the state. “你必须把基础设施建在地面上,才能有所作为,”他说.    

新年伊始,一系列新法律生效, including a 1-cent per gallon drop in the state motor fuels tax that was part of the legislative deal struck early last year -- with the help of the League -- to create some long-term stability for transportation funding. SB 20 IRC更新/汽车燃油税变更 导致汽油税减少1美分. 这将导致7月1日的又一次便士下跌, but allowed the state to avoid more precipitous decreases -- and a corresponding drop in transportation dollars -- due to declining gas prices.

The legislation dropped a volatile formula that had tied gas tax revenue 到 price of gasoline. The League immediately became involved in advocating for the changes because of the importance of road-building dollars, 包括国家鲍威尔法案基金, 城市和城镇. 回应市政当局对鲍威尔法案开支的立法审查, League staff and members are now involved in discussions intended to protect sources of local transportation funding for the future. 阅读早先365足彩下载对sb20法案通过的报道 在这里. 此外,请查找有关该法律的媒体报道以及1月11日生效的其他法律. 1 在这里.

The state Board of Transportation this week voted to add new transportation projects and accelerate the construction of some others as a part of an amended State Transportation Improvement Plan. The move was made possible by state budget changes that created additional money for the projects. These included the elimination of a transfer from the State Highway Fund 到 General Fund, 以及更高的机动车相关费用. 这些变化将导致额外的1美元.在10年里投入60亿美元用于交通运输. 阅读项目变更的要点 在这里 查找完整的STIP列表 在这里.

下一轮清洁水管理信托基金拨款的申请截止日期为2月11日. 1. 这些补助金都拨给了地方政府, state agencies and non-profit groups to restore and protect North Carolina natural resources. 该奖项分为四个类别:修复项目, 创新的雨水项目, 规划, 征用土地以保护河岸缓冲带, 绿色廊道, 自然遗产, 历史文化遗址和军事缓冲区.

在CWMTF网站上了解更多关于赠款的信息 在这里. 上一轮的资助总额为19美元.300万年, 其中包括400美元,1万美元用于Pilot Mountain镇的溪流修复项目,101美元,000美元用于莫里斯维尔镇的一个雨水工程. 查看这些拨款的完整清单,这些拨款是在11月做出的, 在这里.

A new study from the National Conference of State Legislatures and the Pew Charitable Trust measuring legislatures against their overall state population demographics finds that the North Carolina General Assembly is older and much more male than the population in general. 研究显示,北卡罗来纳州众议员的平均年龄为58岁.北卡罗来纳参议员是59人.而北卡罗来纳人的平均年龄是46岁.7. 在这里,女性议员只占22%,而女性议员占总人口的51%. 当涉及到种族和宗教信仰, 北卡罗莱纳州议会的构成与整个人口相似. 阅读报告全文 在这里.

State Budget Director Lee Roberts and Secretary of Revenue Lyons Gray are stepping down from their positions. 政府. 帕特·麦克罗里(Pat McCrory)周四宣布了离职消息. 罗伯茨将加入一家新的投资管理公司, 而格雷则被任命为州公用事业委员会的一员.

麦克罗里政府宣布安德鲁·希思, 国家工业委员会主任委员, 会成为新的预算主管吗. 格雷将由财政部首席运营官杰夫·爱泼斯坦接替. 365足彩下载要感谢罗伯茨和格雷在这些位置上的贡献, 祝贺健康和Epstein的任命.