


​The General Assembly this week rested its gavels, having adjourned with no plans to return before the short-session in May. Legislators left Raleigh on Tuesday after sending the governor 一张账单 处理 学校的课堂关于国家选举和道德执行委员会的变化,以及 一个基金 related to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Other bills in circulation, like the GenX-driven 水 safety concern没有进行最终投票. 而 美联社注释 法院对立法的裁决可能会让立法者在此期间回到罗利, the regular short-session is scheduled to begin May 16 and could see new attention on matters unresolved from the 2017 long session, as well as budget amendments. 立法 work carries on, however, through various committees that will continue to meet in Raleigh.

​A 立法研究委员会 周一开始对公共供水系统的财务和管理实践进行审查. 当委员会联合主席 代表. 查克•麦迪 会议开始, 他指出,这项研究源于他所在的亨德森县当地一个供水系统的情况, 但他补充说,这项研究已经扩大到包括国家机构确定的其他问题, 如 the Local Government Commission (LGC)它是州财政办公室的一个部门,负责监督所有地方政府的财政问题. Information received by the committee reflected this wide range of topics, and included discussion of rate-setting authority, the condition of 水 lines and treatment facilities, 服务领域, state funding for 水 systems, and fiscal management practices. 365足彩下载一直与麦蒂众议员和其他委员会共同主席密切合作, 森. 保罗·牛顿,并感谢他们邀请我在委员会三月的会议上作报告. That 演讲 will include information on the League's new consulting services to help municipalities manage their 水 system finances. 与此同时, 在本周的会议上,立法者向北卡罗来纳大学政府学院的专家提出了问题, LGC, and State Water Infrastructure Authority. A point that LGC presenters stressed was that declines in both population and economic activity in many areas of the state placed strains on the fiscal health of smaller systems. 众议员麦格雷迪表示,该委员会可能会为2019年的长会议提出立法建议, and that it would continue to meet throughout this year. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

​Separate legislative committees on Thursday examined the responsibilities of local fire and building inspectors -- discussions that could lead to legislation in the upcoming short session. 地方政府对保障建筑安全负有首要责任. 他们在施工期间通过建筑检查和许可(所有建筑物)来履行这一责任, 然后是(商业和工业建筑)施工后的消防安全检查. 周四,当地消防督察受到了州消防局长布莱恩·泰勒的赞扬 一个演示 to an emergency management committee. 泰勒讨论了消防检查员在确保商业和工业空间安全方面的作用. In light of this week's school shooting in Florida, 立法会议员集中讨论学校消防安全检查(详见本通讯下一篇文章). Taylor emphasized that all schools in the state were inspected annually by both a fire official and an electrical expert, 检查员在每次检查时都要向学校负责人证明他们的工作. During the ensuing discussion, 立法者表示有兴趣加强当地消防官员对这些公共安全工作的支持, 包括为更多人员提供资金,以便更频繁地进行检查, tools for the public to report potential fire code violations, and standardized inspection forms.

的成员 an interim House committee dedicated to building inspections received an update Thursday on the practices of certain local building inspections departments that had been singled out in a prior legislative meeting for requiring more inspections than allowed by law. 在那次更新中, legislators and homebuilders' representatives both acknowledged that practices in local inspections departments were changing for the better, 他们公开感谢365足彩下载对市政官员进行合规教育的努力. They also extended appreciation to the N.C. 感谢其最近为支持和教育当地检查员所做的努力. 然而, the homebuilders' representatives also shared ongoing anecdotal examples of clashes between homebuilders and local inspectors. 在某种程度上, both the presenters and legislators recognized that labor shortages in the construction industry lent to some of the tension. 这也给当地建筑检查部门的人员配备带来了挑战. 检查员和施工人员都需要类似的背景和培训. 读 365足彩下载的报告 在委员会的最后一次会议上了解更多关于委员会可能建议的立法的细节. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

本周佛罗里达校园枪击案发生后,人们的注意力重新集中在活跃的枪手身上, North Carolina lawmakers used an already scheduled 演讲 周四的主题,深入研究当地消防官员在这些事件之前和期间的角色. 最终, legislators indicated a desire to direct more resources -- 如 upgraded technologies or more training opportunities -- to assist fire officials who respond to these incidents. Legislators' directives to boost fire responders came after they heard 一个演示 by Chief State Fire Marshal Brian Taylor during Thursday's meeting of the Joint Emergency Management Oversight Committee. Taylor discussed the role of fire officials when coordinating with other first responders in active shooter situations. He said one of the main responsibilities for fire responders included sharing knowledge of building floor plans and exits. 他还指出,当地消防官员检查了全州所有的学校和商业建筑, 部分原因是为了确保这些建筑物中的居住者在封锁期间仍然可以离开房间. Taylor informed legislators that the National Fire Protection Association was expected to issue active shooter guidance by the end of the month, in another effort to assist in emergency response. Any legislative recommendations for more resources for fire officials would be included in the committee's final report in advance of the legislative short session in May. 和平解决或预防活跃枪手的情况一直是365足彩下载的重点, whose Public Safety 风险管理 Consultant Tom Anderson has led training classes with police officials around the state, as covered in the May/June 2016 issue of 南部城市, the League's bimonthly magazine. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

​Access to the high-speed broadband services needed for business, 教育, 在北卡罗来纳州的许多地方,医疗保健仍然是一个持续的挑战. 但是, as legislators were informed on Thursday, accurately quantifying the true gaps in broadband service has been nearly impossible due to inaccurate data reported by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 在听到缺乏高速宽带接入对全州远程医疗工作的影响时, 代表. 大卫•刘易斯 重申, the FCC maps overstated the case, 在该州许多实际上没有高速宽带服务的地区贴上高速宽带服务的标签. This overly rosy picture resulted from several factors, 根据 一名来自 N.C. Broadband Infrastructure Office (NCBIO). NCBIO explained that the FCC relies on reports from private wireless carriers regarding their service levels in census blocks. Because the FCC allows carriers to count the entire block as served even if only one parcel actually receives the service, NCBIO表示,数据显示,可用的宽带比实际存在的要宽得多. To determine the true level of broadband service across the state, NCBIO现在要求居民和企业报告他们的服务水平和缺乏访问权限 其N.C. 宽带地图. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

美国各地的城市.S. 对…有反应 President Trump's infrastructure plan 希望国会能够与他们合作应对资金挑战. 本周,全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)对白宫改善美国基础设施的愿景表示赞赏, as it follows calls from state and local leaders to "rebuild and reimagine" it for the demands of a changing and competitive world. "With the release of this plan, the White House will hopefully start a domino effect in Washington for Congress to pull together a bipartisan bill that works with cities to rebuild America's infrastructure,NLC首席执行官克拉伦斯. 安东尼. “国会必须加强与城市的合作,修复我们国家摇摇欲坠的基础设施,为2050年进行建设, instead of simply fixing 1950. Now is the right time for Congress to join us in rebuilding national networks and core infrastructure that delivers what Americans want -- great infrastructure that works for them and the economy."

安东尼's comments followed a gathering of mayors, including Charlotte's Mayor Vi Lyles, with President Trump in Washington, D.C. for the release of the infrastructure plan. The group, of seven mayors hailing from cities across the U.S., expressed the need for teamwork with cities. NLC提供 五大操作原则 为此目的, and says resolving the American infrastructure quandary will require substantial added commitment from all levels of government. 缴送工作说 城市已经在支付 他们的公平份额; 2017年的出版物 noted that 92 percent of cities reported increases in infrastructure costs. 它的 和我们一起重建 campaign is dedicated to strengthening the federal-local partnership with investments in infrastructure supporting transportation, 水, 劳动力和宽带. 新闻媒体 包括50号公路 covered the conversation and how the release of the Trump plan has energized the broader dialogue over infrastructure needs. 该出版物指出,该计划寻求将2000亿美元的联邦资金与州资金结合起来, local and private dollars to reach $1.5 trillion or more in infrastructure investment over a decade, but the extent of the state and local government role is unclear.

​President Trump on Monday unveiled his proposed budget for fiscal year 2019 with what city leaders called a major disinvestment at the local level, with funding cut or eliminated for TIGER grants, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and other longstanding, 重要的资源. “For the second year in a row, 本届政府公布的预算提案将严重损害美国城市的福祉, 城镇和村庄," 小石城市长、全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)主席马克·斯托多拉说. "Rather than honor Congress' bipartisan funding agreement, 白宫只提供了一个撤资和与城市和地方政府脱离接触的路线图.” Just prior, Congress had approved the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, 哪一个与总统的提议不一致,因为总统的提议包括了对城市有帮助的领域的资金增加, like with the TIGER and CDBG funds. NLC notes that Congress did not accept the president's budget as proposed last year and that the elements of the bipartisan budget agreement may serve as another rejection. 缴送工作的 latest Federal 365体育足彩 Update includes specifics from the budget as it relates to municipalities.

​U.S. 森s. Thom Tillis and Richard Burr have announced that the recently approved federal budget provides more than $125 million in additional aid that may help North Carolina communities still hampered by 2016's Hurricane Matthew. The budget greenlights about $100 million in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds meant to help with needs like housing, 基础设施和业务, 参议员们说. 它还提供25美元.500万美元的额外联邦公路管理局资金用于在风暴中受损的道路. 森ators Tillis and Burr in a 联合新闻稿 said the money is "critical" for eastern North Carolina's ongoing recovery. "The additional $125 million will go a long way in helping our local communities recover from the destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew,参议员提利斯说. "We are grateful for 森ate leaders and appropriators for recognizing that recovery efforts do not end when first responders leave and that a multi-year recovery process requires continued federal assistance."

Candidate filing began this week for county, regional, state and federal offices across North Carolina, with nearly 1,200 names in the hat by Friday morning. 国家选举和道德执法委员会提供了一份定期更新的可下载名单(PDF or CSV)的所有文件. The Associated Press on Monday, 当文件打开时, 请注意,申请期正值法院对选区做出另一项裁决之际. 法官们拒绝了一些团体要求改变一些州众议院选区的动议. It effectively means "districts in those areas approved last summer by the GOP-controlled legislature are being used for primary and general elections this year," 美联社报道 with more about the many pending cases over elections in North Carolina. Filing ends for most seats at noon Feb. 28.