


Bills to provide special financing mechanisms for building infrastructure appeared in both legislative chambers this week. HB 158评估/关键基础设施 (SB 118)包括365足彩下载建议的语言,并将扩展现有的 评估机构 允许市县为私人发展的基础设施项目提供资金. 现有的权力允许地方政府, 应业主要求, to levy a "special assessment" on property owners who request the installation of infrastructure such as roads 和 water or sewer lines. The proceeds from that assessment are used to pay back revenue bonds that the local government issues to finance the installation of the infrastructure.

拟议法案的措辞与 规定 that passed the House last year 和 would allow developers who enter into an agreement with the county or city to pay for the infrastructure installation themselves. The local government would then use the special assessment to reimburse the developer for its investment. The League suggested language to ensure that the action is voluntary 和 that a local government would only owe the developer the revenue that the assessment produces, 减少任何行政成本. HB 158本周在众议院财政委员会获得了有利的听证会. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

参议院多数党领袖哈里·布朗 他是上一届会议的关键支持者 一个计划 to reallocate locally levied sales taxes -- filed legislation this week to change the adjustment factors applied to the half-cent local Article 40 sales tax levy. 今年的提案, SB 126改变损耗调整因子, 是否会消除这一特定税收的所有当前调整因素, 将它们替换为基于该县经济等级指定的因子. 被列为一级的县将获得税收收入的增加, 他们收集的数量乘以一倍.1. 被指定为第2级的县将不会得到调整, while counties designated as Tier 3 would see reduced receipts due to being assigned a factor of 0.9. Whether this proposal would increase or reduce a county's current tax receipts depends on the difference between the adjustment factors in law now versus the newly proposed factors. Counties 和 those municipalities in them which rely on tourism would be most adversely affected. 要了解您所在城市的位置,请参考 这个图表 由立法机构无党派的财政工作人员准备. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达


对市政官员来说,市政厅日是什么意思? 好吧, when you consider that Zebulon Mayor 和 2017 League President Bob Matheny has served in local office for decades, 广泛参与市政厅日, 他可能是个很好的消息来源. 于是我们做了. 观看这个视频 马西尼总统讨论市政厅日的重要性, 365足彩下载的标志性365体育足彩活动 定于今年3月29日举行. 听听他是如何看待这些年来它的发展的,以及为什么市政当局参加它真的很重要. 马西尼说:“今年,我们预计这将是有史以来规模最大的一年。. 这很重要, 他指出, 因为它表明了北卡罗来纳州市政存在的多样性和广广性. 这是3月29日市政厅日的预选. 你已经注册了,对吗? 如果没有,还有时间. 点击这里了解详情.

众议院多数党领袖约翰·贝尔与365足彩下载政策委员会成员交谈. 图片来源:Ben Brown

365足彩下载成员各自的 立法和监管行动委员会 (LAC/RAC) joined with General Assembly lawmakers in Raleigh this week to discuss teamwork between local 和 state government in vital areas like broadb和, 硬基础设施和收入可持续性. LAC/RAC members on Wednesday -- in a series of year round "lobby days" that connect individual municipalities with their legislators -- visited with officials in both chambers including 众议院多数党领袖约翰·贝尔说 of Goldsboro 和 Senate Majority Whip Jerry Tillman of Archdale.


他们还会见了参议员. 富兰克林的吉姆·戴维斯和罗金厄姆的汤姆·麦金尼斯, 和刘易斯·金一起, 众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔的政策顾问. 在一天的过程中, the LAC/RAC team communicated municipalities' need for support with infrastructure as North Carolina grows 和 existing resources decay; broadb和 availability as public 和 private services increasingly shift toward online platforms; 和 revenue flexibility to respond to 和 support the economy. The League would like to thank lawmakers for their time 和 attention 和 looks forward to continuing the dialogue.

本周,本届会议的第一个广告牌法案在众议院首次亮相. HB 173户外广告法修订,由 众议院多数党领袖约翰·贝尔说, would reduce a city's ability to influence the location of billboards by prohibiting most zoning authority as it relates to these signs. 在测量之下, a billboard owner may relocate most existing signs anyw在这里 within a jurisdiction that has a zoning classification comparable to the zoning of the original sign location. The proposal also would place first-ever factors into state law for determining the amount of compensation paid to billboard owners for acquiring, 采购, 或者谴责的迹象. 最后, the measure includes other changes related to vegetation removal 和 re-planting of trees near billboards. 通过众议院, 该法案必须得到三个委员会的有利报告, 加上整个议院的大部分. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

A House bill filed this week contains 规定 in the spirit of a League advocacy goal to reduce strain on law enforcement officers. 一段 2017年HB 181第一响应者法案 would allow company police or security on site at hospitals to take custody of persons believed to be mentally ill 和 potentially harmful, 直到官方安排好交通和安置. 这是对当前做法的一种改变, 其中执法人员负责监管, 并为此被叫去医院. 2016年10月加入365足彩下载董事会 采纳了一个目标 to support legislation that bolsters the state's mental health 和 intellectual/developmental disabilities treatment resources, including resources 和 solutions to lessen the strain on sworn law enforcement officers when providing custody of individuals in crisis. 365足彩下载感谢法案发起人、众议员对这一问题的关注. 哈利沃伦, 迈克Clampitt, 卡尔福特拉里•波茨.

在网上 在这里wegrownc.org

还没有上传你的经济成功故事 我们在这里成长 然而,? 你可能在很多方面都错过了. 从三、四月版的《365体育足彩》杂志开始, the League will be sharing one of those local stories from the website as a regularly-featured story in the magazine. 在撰写本文时,已有30多个城镇分享了他们的故事. 哪一个将成为南方城市的特色故事? 我们还没有决定,但下周会. 所以,你可能还有时间赶在最后期限之前完成即将到来的版本.

如果你还没有注册,这很简单. 简单的电子邮件 about@在这里wegrownc.org如果你是365足彩下载市的成员,我们会帮你安排. 您所在的城市或城镇是否进行或促进了投资以吸引新的企业, 鼓励零售业扩张或在当地创造高薪工作? 你有没有在便利设施上投资,让你所在的城市成为一个适宜居住的地方, 吸引新居民, 商业或两者兼而有之? 给我们讲讲那个故事. 我们将确保在我们正在进行的促销活动中突出它. 看看最近的一个故事,这个故事来自少女镇, 在这里.

A 新报告 from the National League of Cities on state preemption of local authority highlights positive work on part of the North Carolina League of Municipalities in the conversation. 该报告的建议提到了365足彩下载的名字,以解决先发制人的叙述. "The rise of preemptive legislation suggests that state governments are concerned about increased local autonomy 和 the patchwork of regulations that may exist within the state,报告说. “因此,一种支持先发制人的说法正在出现,试图让城市各执一词. 州365足彩下载可以在对抗这种说法方面发挥积极作用. 例如, the North Carolina League of Municipalities is reshaping the narrative away from 'cities are out of control' to 'cities help the state.365足彩下载党采取了避免政治、支持经济论点的方法. They frame preemption as obstructing cities from being the best drivers of development that they can be." 点击这里 阅读完整的可下载报告.

在这个州的立法日程上,法案一直在被归档和更新, 你可以相信365足彩下载会遵循那些对城镇重要的政策. 但我们也希望你拥有这些工具. 365足彩下载的账单追踪器 让事情变得简单. 获取提案的解释和状态更新,如 sb131监管改革法案, which among other things would allow public agencies such as municipalities to exclusively fulfill public records responsibilities by making public records or computer databases available online in a downloadable format. 或者你想看看发生了什么 SB 123发布LEO录音, which would add two additional purposes to the list of circumstances under which a law enforcement agency must disclose or release a recording, 比如随身摄像头或仪表盘摄像头记录, 给地方检察官. 该法案跟踪器是干净,容易和分类提案的重要性或主题的水平. 来看看.