


连续两周了, the winter weather became a major impediment for state legislators as they sought to get the legislative committee process fully underway. The two separate storm systems that blew through the state this week meant more cancelled committee meetings on Wednesday and Thursday, 没有投票的基本会议, 更少的账单被填满. The good news: The latest weather forecast calls for warmer temperatures and none of the frozen precipitation next week.

House leaders this week filed a major jobs recruiting and economic development bill that would significantly increase the money that Gov. 帕特·麦克罗里必须为这个州带来新的生意. HB 117 NC竞争法 would double an existing cap on two-year funding for the state's key jobs recruitment program, 就业发展投资补助金, 或JDIG. 该法案还将重新命名该项目, 称之为“工作增长补偿机会——人员计划”. 根据该法案,基础设施拨款项目的资金也将恢复.

然而,这项立法并没有包括州长想要的所有项目. 与此同时, 森ate leaders began to immediately question aspects of the bill and the effectiveness of the JDIG program. 森. 山核桃的安迪·威尔斯 asked whether t在这里 are ways to direct more money to rural and poorer areas of the state. 阅读更多关于众议院激励法案的信息 在这里.

The House's consideration of 森ate gas tax legislation was again delayed by the winter weather this week, but legislators did discuss some of the longer-term issues facing North Carolina's transportation funding stream. 在本周的联合运输拨款委员会会议上, 森. Southport的Bill Rabon报道 他将日益迫近的交通需求资金缺口形容为“一场危机”." Rabon is one of the sponsors of the 森ate bill designed to shore up transportation revenues as those dollars decline due to falling fuel prices. 365足彩下载支持 SB 20 IRC更新/汽车燃油税 and continues to urge League members to contact their legislators in support of the bill.

State Department of Transportation officials -- focused on the longer-term erosion of transportation dollars as cars become more fuel efficient and use alternative fuel sources -- outlined for legislators some potential alternatives to fuel taxes. 委员会没有采取任何行动, but the House is expected to consider additional transportation legislation that may include a transportation bond issue. 请阅读有关周二会议的更多内容 在这里.

The Federal Communications Commission acted Thursday to pre-empt a 2011 state law preventing the City of Wilson from expanding its Greenlight high-speed broadband system. 联邦通信委员会对威尔逊和田纳西州查塔努加市的请愿书采取的行动., 已经暗示了好几个星期了, with FCC Chair Tom Wheeler commenting that he saw such state laws as anti-competitive and damaging to consumers. 预计这项裁决最初只会影响威尔逊和查塔努加, and the FCC is not expected to release its order explaining the decision until early next week.

The League, which opposed and tried to prevent passage of the 2011 state law and, in August, filed 公开评论 支持威尔逊的请愿书,对联邦通信委员会的决定表示赞赏. The League believes the decision could open the door for more cooperation between private and public broadband providers to bring critical high-speed Internet service to more areas of North Carolina. 在周四发布的评论中, League 执行董事 Paul Meyer pointed out that areas without this infrastructure will be put at an economic disadvantage. "Today's ruling by the FCC recognizes the crucial need of businesses and residents to have available to them high-speed Internet access to promote educational attainment and bolster economic opportunities for all North Carolinians, 最后一英里的供应商是市政府还是私人公司,迈耶说. 阅读365足彩下载回应FCC决定的完整新闻稿 在这里.

这一决定并没有得到一些国会议员的认可,包括北卡罗来纳州的联邦众议员.S. 森. 托姆拳手. 提利斯是 一项法案 立即提起诉讼,试图推翻联邦通信委员会的裁决. 森ator Tillis argues that municipal-owned broadband systems strap taxpayers with unneeded costs and that the FCC ruling interferes with the sovereign rights of states. 你可以读到国会的反击 在这里. 阅读FCC的决定 在这里 以及之前的联赛报道 在这里.

Google Fiber is not the only entity investing in the company's efforts to bring high-speed fiber optic cable to Charlotte and the Raleigh-Durham metropolitan areas. The cities that will benefit are also spending money and time to make the roll-out happen. 《365体育足彩》最近的一篇文章 详细介绍了作为努力的一部分,各城市正在做的工作. 这个报告 from the Town of Cary also lays out its additional funding requirements related to the project. 

Google Fiber announced in January that Charlotte and Triangle area municipalities would be the next on its list for high-speed fiber optic cable. The Google service will offer speeds about 100 times faster than a typical broadband connection. The Cary report and Triangle Business Journal piece make clear that the company's investment will also require significant new work by the municipalities themselves to make the service possible.

市政厅日 就在拐角处吗. 注册 现在是3月18日这个关键的倡导日,为北卡罗来纳州的城镇. 这一天是团员拜访立法委员的好机会, 让市政当局了解他们的优先事项, and to show strength in numbers when it comes demonstrating the importance of vital cities and towns. 因为农业社区也利用这一天作为游说日, 现在就任命贵国立法代表团的成员至关重要. 还有,别忘了穿你的365足彩下载绿衣服. 

这一天将包括365足彩下载政府事务小组的立法简报, 与参众两院领导人会面, 与国家机构代表进行讨论, 并与立法者和主要国家领导人举行晚间招待会. 点击 在这里 来登记并成为这个伟大事件的一部分.

纽约美术馆的摄影展.C. 历史博物馆正在帮助推动历史保护税收抵免的事业. The exhibit features photos of abandoned historic structures in eastern North Carolina and is entitled "Rural Revival: Photos of Home and Preservation of Place.这些照片由沃伦县的斯科特·加洛克拍摄.

与此同时, winter weather has forced the postponement of several of the stops on the tour by Secretary of Cultural Resources Susan Kluttz promoting the restoration of the tax credits. 不过,这些活动正在重新安排. 如果你的城镇还没有举办过一站,并希望这样做,请联系365足彩下载. 阅读更多关于摄影展览的信息 在这里. 联系人: 斯科特Mooneyham

夏洛特市议会通过了一项对其成员更严格的道德政策, 要求更多地披露商业往来,并禁止送礼. The tougher rules follow the  conviction of former Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon on a federal corruption charge. 去年, the House considered but then dropped a proposal that would have imposed ethics requirements on elected officials in the 12 largest North Carolina cities. 国联以各种理由反对这项建议, including that it did not track with state law that imposes ethics requirements on officeholders and candidates for those offices alike. 阅读之前的365足彩下载报道 在这里,并阅读了媒体对夏洛特大学道德规范的报道 在这里.