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League Bulletin

March 13, 2020

WHAT HAPPENED: The infectious potential of COVID-19 led to sweeping prep and response measures in virtually all sectors. 周四晚上,市政365足彩下载、大都会市长365足彩下载和N.C. 县专员协会协调了一个拥挤的电话会议. Roy Cooper, giving him and fellow state leaders the opportunity to discuss expectations directly with local government officials across the state, which is under a state-of-emergency declaration.
WHAT IT MEANS: 本公告提供了详细信息,以帮助您进行规划, 但高层报告称,该州已经启动了紧急行动中心, 支持地方一级的紧急状态宣布, 并将与地方政府就下一步行动保持联系. 州长办公室建议取消或推迟所有大型集会.
ON TAP: It's unfortunate that must include CityVision 2020, our annual conference – see details below in this bulletin about the cancelation and refunds -- but health and safety are at a new level of importance and immediacy. The League and partners are prioritizing attention to all matters at hand under the coronavirus. The governor's office has opened a hotline for timely information -- (866) 462-3821 -- and a website with updates: The League has also launched a resource page at
THE SKINNY: Believe it or not, we do have other updates from our usual world of legislative news and policy this week (although legislative committe meetings for the near future have been canceled). But clearly we must give all practical attention to the more immediate cause of keeping our communities safe and well positioned for the future. 正如州长周四对当地政府官员所说,“我们都在一起." Please stay safe and well informed. We'll continue releasing timely info.

365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶出席了在华盛顿特区举行的简报会.C. on Wednesday to align the White House with local-level leaders as COVID-19 cases continue spotting the United States and as preparation mounts to prevent community-level spread. Vice President Mike Pence addressed a gathering 全国城市365足彩下载董事会成员和州365足彩下载的一部分,包括N.C. League, with emphasis on local leaders' frontline role and the vitality of intergovernmental and intersector communication. “社区努力是抵御病毒传播的第一道防线, 这就是365足彩下载如此重视此事的原因," Meyer said. “我们一直与各级政府保持联系, from your town hall to the White House, 确保我们在为我们的社区定位以获得最佳结果的问题上意见一致.“虽然信息的质量每时每刻都在变化, 365足彩下载已经收集了一个资源页面,可能对城镇有帮助 A few of those resource are:
-North Carolina's Response to Coronavirus (NCDHHS)
-Communications Resources Regarding Coronavirus
国家还建立了全面的更新页面—— -- as well as a hotline: (866) 462-3821. Gov. Roy Cooper shared this information directly with local government leaders across the state Thu​rsday evening in a call coordinated by the League, 都市市长365足彩下载和县专员协会. “最贴近人民的政府治理得最好 ... 我们尊重这一点,”州长告诉当地领导人. 他补充说:“我们将依靠你的指导. 但我们也要依靠你和我们一起工作."
州长库珀表示,州法律正在就开放问题进行分析, public meetings, such as city council meetings. 当涉及到面对面的互动时,环境会因社区而异. Overall, though, 他强调,应该避免100人以上的大型聚会, and those planned should be canceled. (See separate article below in this Bulletin about the subsequent cancelation of CityVision 2020.)他承认,这可能会在社区节奏的方式上造成决策困难, economics, 工作和重新规划的计划已经付出了如此多的努力. 但是,他说,“我们必须以科学和数据为指导.... And when you think about protecting public health, it means being cautious and also being prepared, and I think today we are being both."
Basic advice includes the encouragement of telework or work-from-home scenarios where possible to minimize the contamination potential at places of work. Steady handwashing or sanitizing is vital. 而州卫生官员并没有立即呼吁关闭学校, 他们可能很快就会发布关于公共或政府设施的指导意见, such as senior centers.
The state has activated its Emergency Operations Center for 'round-the-clock attention to the virus as the governor this week declared a state of emergency by executive order​. The declaration is akin to those issued for natural disasters and "will help with the cost burdens and supplies that may be difficult for providers and public health to access due to increased demand," a news release explained. Joining the governor on Thursday's call with local officials was the state's director of emergency management, Mike Sprayberry, who said local-level state-of-emergency declarations are appropriate and may help local governments better position themselves with access to resources and logistical support. “它可以给你加速采购的权力, make sure there's funding coming down that may require a state-of-emergency (declaration) and gives you extra authorities and powers and take more stringent actions than ones you get from the state," Sprayberry explained. 当地应急管理人员将知道请求资源的程序, "like any other disaster," Sprayberry said, noting also that the state's "Web EOC(在线应急行动中心门户)将COVID-19设置为默认主题.

Governor Cooper said the simplest changes in routine are important right now for local government officials as they engage with their communities. "I'm giving an elbow-bump to everybody. 我不会再握手了,”州长告诉其他领导人. 我认为,我们在这方面发挥带头作用是很重要的. I know it's a simple thing, but it can matter a lot." 

和许多人一样,我们一直在密切关注COVID-19病毒. Earlier this week, several state league directors and I met with Vice President Mike Pence for a briefing about the virus and our role in this public health crisis. His message was clear—he recognized your leadership value and credibility among citizens and directed local government to be leaders in the mitigation efforts related to COVID-19.
To support our collective efforts, NCLM staff has been in regular contact with the governor’s office and other state health officials. Following Gov. Roy Cooper's recommended precautions—including canceling large group gatherings—detailed on yesterday’s NCLM-hosted conference call with 900+ local leaders, we have decided to cancel CityVision 2020. 所有注册的与会者将获得全额退款,具体如下:
-在线信用卡支付:我们将在本周开始处理所有取消. If you paid by credit card, 您的注册将自动退回到您注册时使用的信用卡.
-Registration paid by check: If you paid by check, NCLM将向每个自治市发送一张取消注册的支票. We will begin the process this week.
-如果你有一个余额到期:如果你有一个余额到期, NCLM将取消注册,并且不需要支付任何资金.
Planning has begun for holding a virtual Annual Business Meeting as an alternative to the in-person meeting associated with the conference. 这将使我们能够满足NCLM的宪法要求, 包括我们2020-2021年董事会的选举. 更多的信息将随着下周的计划和物流而公布.
请知道,我们做出这个决定并不是轻率的. CityVision is our premier event, where members look forward to learning about the latest topics and spending time with colleagues from across the state. Our priority is our members’ health and safety, along with the health and safety of all residents. We must do our part to support the federal government’s and the governor’s public health strategies and limit the spread of the virus, and we appreciate your assistance in this endeavor. NCLM will continue to update 我们的网站提供有关COVID-19的最新信息和资源.
如果您对CityVision注册有疑问,请发送电子邮件 或随时致电(919)733-2635黛安·戈德温或(919)715-2908雅典娜·班克斯. 感谢您对事态发展的理解和领导.

“Disconnected,,这部纪录片考察了北卡罗来纳州的数字鸿沟, 会在本周晚些时候播出,然后可以按需观看吗. It’s a project that the League has been working on with WRAL-TV in Raleigh for several months, and represents a critical look at how the gap in broadband access is affecting school students and their parents, 医疗保健提供者、病人和企业主.
30分钟的节目将于3月19日星期四晚7点播出.m. on WRAL-TV and WILM-TV, as well as​ 以及亚马逊Fire、苹果电视和Roku上的WRAL频道. WRAZ-TV Fox50将于3月21日(周六)下午1点播出这部纪录片.m.
To make the case, WRAL focuses on the Town of Enfield in northeastern North Carolina as a case study of a community that could enjoy more opportunity with better internet access. 这部纪录片还探讨了数字鸿沟存在的原因,并审视了光纤NC法案, legislation better enabling public-private partnerships that could help address the access gap.
In addition to the League’s assistance, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, based in Minneapolis, and Google Fiber helped to underwrite the project. Please tune in and let us know what you think.

Lawmakers took no action this week on ideas discussed last month regarding an overhaul of sales tax distribution formulas. Further, members of the interim legislative Revenue Laws Committee did not even ask questions of staff, nor did they engage in any discussion of the issue, 在周三的委员会会议上给予机会时. The opportunity for more discussion and debate came after this same committee heard a proposal last month on potential ways to update the formula the state currently uses to determine how sales taxes are distributed to each county. Read more about that discussion in this prior Bulletin report​.
