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事情发生的经过: 打破了议院对全州立法的稳定辩论, 议员们本周将焦点转移到地方法案和宪法修正案提案上.

单词释义: 的 General Assembly has already sent 政府. Roy Cooper many of the priority bills requiring a trip to the governor's desk for approval or veto (the latter of which the legislature can override). 地方法案和宪法修正案提案不需要州长签字, 因此,立法机构对它们的关注表明它们正在关闭职责. 

在利用: Constitutional amendment proposals, which voters would decide after legislative approval, have included focuses on an income tax cap, 司法职位空缺, the right to hunt and fish, and crime victims' rights. 

瘦子: 2018年的活跃行情可能会在月底或更早的时候成为历史. House Speaker Tim Moore is on record calling for June 29 and 森ate Rules Chairman Bill Rabon says his chamber will hear no more statewide bills. Not too long after it's all over, the League  will publish its End of Session Bulletin explaining all of the action with bill-by-bill breakdowns of interest to cities and towns.

本周,州和地方政府迎来了一场巨大的胜利 U.S. Supreme Court ruled 各州可以对在该州没有实体店的在线零售商征收销售税. Justices decided 5-4 on Thursday to overturn an outdated but harmful 1992 court decision that that kept substantial sales tax revenue from state and local governments by way of that "physical presence" test. 每年, billions and billions of dollars in sales tax revenue went uncollected in transactions between online retailers and out-of-state buyers, even as online retail sales became commonplace. 根据联合国.C. Retail Merchants Association (NCRMA), North Carolina has missed out on $400 million a year, 如《 新闻 & 观察者. 2014年,365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶和N.C. Association of County Commissioners 执行董事 Kevin Leonard and NCRMA head Andy Ellen – penned an op-ed that ran in North Carolina newspapers pointing out that a number of negative effects are created in local communities by the failure to collect sales taxes from online vendors. “Minus a federal mechanism to require collections, 与在线零售商相比,实体零售商处于竞争劣势, 谁能给顾客提供免税优惠. 同时, 实体零售商——他们中的许多人也在网上销售商品, 但对这些商品征收和缴纳销售税,他们正在雇佣当地居民在他们的商店工作, 他们缴纳的财产税支持了警察和消防员的雇佣以及学校的建设,文章写道. 
That was echoed in the court's observations. Justices noted that the 1992 case, which essentially freed online sellers from having to collect and remit the sales tax unless they had a regardable physical presence in the state where the transaction took place, created a regulatory advantage for remote sellers. 法院指出,他们可以降低价格,甚至365体育足彩“免税”销售. “实际上," Thursday's opinion states, "it is a judicially created tax shelter for businesses that limit their physical presence in a State but sell their goods and services to the State’s consumers, 随着科技的进步,它变得更容易、更普遍. 该规则还鼓励人们避免在多个国家实际存在, 影响可能是有效的或理想的开发." 的 ruling additionally points out that state and local governments bear costs of public safety and property protection and further "maintain the public roads and municipal services that allow communication with and access to customers."
去年, SB 81 Sales Tax Economic Nexus​ emerged in the state 森ate as a step toward online sales tax collection for businesses that conduct remote sales into North Carolina (see March 10, 2017 365足彩下载公报). 参议院以较大优势通过了该法案,但在众议院没有通过. According to media reports, lawmakers may revisit the proposal in 2019, now that the Supreme Court decision has landed. 的 news broke to heavy praise. “State and local organizations applaud the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision recognizing that the (1992 ruling) put Main Street retailers at a competitive disadvantage to remote sellers and the efforts by states to simplify the sales tax collection process and giving those states remote sales tax collection authority," 全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)首席执行官克拉伦斯·安东尼说. “26年来,在大法官安东尼·肯尼迪的努力下,国会未能采取行动, the federal government has finally recognized the changing nature of commerce and state efforts to simplify the collection process.” 一篇NLC博客文章 delves into more of the context and history of the case. Associated Press coverage​ details the opinion and the justices' stances. Bloomberg Business 新闻​ 从市场的角度出发,解释未来的道路.​

Local bills and proposals to amend the North Carolina Constitution dominated the action at the General Assembly this week, with lawmakers mostly done with statewide legislation. 在地方法案中, SB 813 Asheville City Council Districts appears to be advancing. 的 bill would change the system of electing city council members in Asheville from an at-large system to a district-based system of representation with one at-large seat. 阿什维尔市议会历来反对向以地区为基础的系统转变. City voters also rejected the idea in a referendum. 的 Asheville Citizen-Times​ newspaper reports that 森. 特里·范·杜恩, who represents part of the city, could lend support to the proposal if the 森ate adopts an amendment she's putting forth to move those council elections to even-numbered years. 参议员范杜恩表示,这将改善该法案, 部分原因是为了给公众更多的时间来理解这种变化, as the proposal had originally eyed the 2019 elections. 在周四参议院规则委员会通过该法案之前,没有人反对该法案. 规则委员会是参议院在法案提交表决之前的惯例. In other local bills, 一些并吞事项和宪章修正案取得进展, including a positive outcome for Wesley Chapel in 一项法案 在当地官员反对的先前形式中,这将剥夺该镇的财产. 这个小镇, which communicated its concerns with its legislators, is not mentioned in the latest version of the bill, currently on the House calendar for Monday. 一项法案 to deannex portions of Stanly County towns, 包括巴丁镇相当一部分人口,但遭到了镇政府的反对, 应其作者的要求从众议院日程中删除了吗, 代表. 贾斯汀毛刺,星期三. That bill may reappear next week. 
本周,宪法修正案提案也受到了关注. 和地方法案一样,它们可以不经州长批准就得到立法机关的批准. Amendment ideas include a cap on the income tax rate (SB 75 Max. Income Tax Rate of 5.5%​), 这实际上会限制州政府的收入,并转移支付各种公共需求的负担. Other constitutional amendment proposals, 这需要得到该州选民的同意, concern crime victims' rights in the legal process (HB 551 Marsy's Law​,类似于其他州的法律)和宪法规定的狩猎和捕鱼的权利(SB 677 Protect Right to Hunt and Fish​).
Some legislatively approved bills are getting the governor's veto stamp, and he's outlined his objections to those proposals in 公开声明. 立法机关, 然而, 能以绝对多数推翻州长的任何否决,并提出了许多被否决的法案, including the state budget, 成为法律.

一项法案 that would provide an additional retirement benefit to firefighters and rescue squad workers – without providing any state funding to local governments to pay for it – was removed from the House floor and sent back to committee this week. 此举可能意味着“特殊离职津贴”的扩大,这将导致一些年收入超过100万美元的城市出现资金缺口, will not pass this legislative session. According to General Assembly staff, the estimated cost to provide this benefit, 随着时间的推移, 对所有符合资格的现任地方政府雇员来说,大约有3亿美元. 的 legislative action on SB 153 Military Retiree State Income Tax Relief,其中包括离职津贴的措词,随后国际365足彩下载采取了步骤 calling members' attention​ to the provision and issuing a news release pointing out that the League has always opposed unfunded mandates that place more pressure on local property tax bases and local taxpayers. 与此同时, the League has historically and continues to fight to preserve a defined-benefit retirement plan – even as such plans have come under attack and even been repealed in other states – which benefits all municipal employees and helps attract quality employees to local government positions. 365足彩下载感谢立法者听取并考虑我们对SB 153的关切.

A great advantage for cities and towns in the fight against blight and unkempt vacant properties won final legislative approval last week. HB 573 Business/Regulatory Changes, now sitting on the governor's desk, 包括建立一个名为“空置建筑接管”的新程序,在一个 recent 365足彩下载公报 并于本周在北卡罗来纳大学政府学院(SOG)进一步充实, 博客. “现在市政当局有了一个额外的代码执行工具来解决问题财产," SOG Associate Professor Tyler Mulligan writes. "Effective October 1, 2018, House Bill 573 establishes receivership powers and authorizes North Carolina municipalities to request for a superior court to appoint a receiver to manage a vacant structure that has not complied with a code enforcement order. 的se vacant problem properties, whether residential or commercial, are deemed a 'nuisance per se' -- in other words, a nuisance in any context." 的 bill received strong support in both chambers. 的 General Assembly's website 列出所有帐单 pending on the governor's desk.

政府. Roy Cooper on Wednesday signed 成为法律 the Build NC Bond Act该法案将批准一项新的运输债券计划. "Build NC is a bipartisan effort that pulled 代表ublicans and Democrats together to help deliver critical transportation projects to communities more quickly, 帮助北卡罗来纳州吸引机会并保持竞争力," 州长说 upon signing the bill. 的 law is modeled after the federal GARVEE bond program​ and would allow the state to borrow money for local transportation priorities and repay the bonds using future state transportation dollars allocated to the Highway Trust Fund. Build NC bond proceeds would fund transportation projects prioritized at the regional and division levels of the state’s transportation funding system​​. 的se projects are suggested by local officials, 谁在决定这些项目的优先次序方面也有最多的投入. 它包括借款限制,包括3亿美元的总体计划上限.​

一些农村城市是农村准备站点计划的最新受益者, 它最近批准了10项来自地方政府的拨款申请,总额超过1400万美元. N.C. Department of Commerce this week announced that Wadesboro, 米德尔塞克斯和里德斯维尔是他们将用于改善水或下水道的资金的接受者之一. "Companies are looking for sites that have the infrastructure they need to get to work growing their business right away," Commerce Secretary Anthony M. 科普兰说 news release with full details about the awards and funding source. “我们的农村社区经常需要额外的资金来准备开发用地, and this program is a step toward meeting that need." Separately this week, the Department of Commerce announced the Rural Infrastructure Authority's approval​ of 23 other grant requests totaling $17 million following commitments to create hundreds of local jobs and with more than $117 million in private investment.