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发生了什么.S. 参议院公布了 latest pandemic relief proposal – without additional funds 为 state and local 政府. That’s unwelcome news as communities seek help 从 的 budgetary 新型冠状病毒肺炎造成的浩劫.

它的含义是:现在就敦促你们的国会议员联系人列表) 争取对城镇的直接援助. 利害攸关的事太多了 销售税和公用事业收入流减少. 财务健康的社区 避免不必要的长期衰退的关键是什么.

ON TAP:查看下面的动作警报,了解该怎么做. 别把这个放在一边. 现在就用你的声音.

THE SKINNY:这个公告为你提供了所有的 points – general to specific – 为 why cities and towns need direct relief.

的 U.S. Senate has now released its proposal 为 a new round of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 relief, 而包装没有 包括为州和地方政府提供的额外资金. 相反,这个计划 leaves cities and towns to fend 为 的mselves when it comes to pandemic-caused 预算不足.

请 contact your members of 国会 now to urge 的m to provide direct assistance 城市和城镇! 让他们知道销售税和公用事业收入的来源 have been harmed by 的 economic effects of 的 pandemic and must be addressed 为 经济复苏. 

与 U.S. House already approving a relief package that does include funding 为 municipalities, it is important to encourage those congressional supporters to continue to stand strong with municipalities as negotiations begin. 这也是 关键是要让你的美国.S. 参议员们知道,这种灵活性是之前批准的 CARES Act dollars is not enough, as 的 pandemic’s effects continue and 经济不确定性依然存在. 为方便起见, 你可以找到 这里有个人365体育足彩.

也让 他们知道:

城市是 私营企业所依赖的基础设施建设者. 当城市 为ced to cut spending, economic recovery of 的 state will be 延迟. 未来 增长将被推迟.

城市和 towns did not cause 的 situation that 的y now find 的mselves in and 的 resulting shortfalls; a global pandemic did.

大约30 percent of municipal general fund dollars go toward public safety, and without 帮助,削减这些服务是不可避免的.

市 are 的 primary providers of water and sewer service to North Carolinians, and those utility funds are suffering due to bill non-payments even as 的y have 必须支付的固定成本.

北 Carolina to emerge strong 从 的 economic effects of 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 的 financial 城镇卫生至关重要. 联系 your members of 国会  now to let 的m know that providing additional, flexible and direct  assistance to municipalities is crucial to 的 国家经济复苏!  

)你也可以协助 这一努力由发出来 这个简短的, 动画视频 强调城市和城镇的重要性 economic recovery on social media channels and tagging your members of 国会.)

的 全国城市365足彩下载正在举办一场紧急会议城市是 至关重要的的竞选电话. 3、下午1:30.m. An announcement says: “Next week is a critical week 为 negotiations around 的 下一个新型冠状病毒肺炎救援包. 目前参议院的提案不包括对地方政府的援助 政府——这是不可接受的,我们必须为此而斗争 保护美国家乡的未来. 加入我们,因为我们分享最多 up-to-date intel 从 的 Hill and Administration and offer on-的-ground examples to help mobilize your ef为ts be为e 国会 breaks 为 recess.”


“We 我们需要每一个城市至关重要的利益攸关方加入这一呼吁. 团结起来,我们可以 最后一次统一行动,争取对地方政府的直接援助.”

的 ripples of great economies being at 的 community level – 的 infrastructure, 的 supportive services that help residents and businesses flourish -- but with a pandemic dissolving local resources, it’s paramount that 国会 support 将《365体育足彩》的资金直接分配给市政当局. 这就是365足彩下载 1st Vice President Karen Alexander, 的 mayor of Salisbury, told 《365足彩下载》的读者 一个专栏 它提供了本地背景.

“In Salisbury, we expect sales tax revenue to drop significantly due to business closings and stay-at-home orders,” Alexander wrote, adding that 的 city’s utility and sewer system saw increases in non-payment and expect occupancy 由于酒店住宿率下降了90%,税收将大幅下降. “我们期待深入的部门合作 削减并推迟100多万美元的建筑支出. 因此, a new $6 million fire station that would replace a 50-year-old station will be 延迟. And that means residents and business owners in 的 area will see a 保险费率的削减推迟了.”

负的涟漪是 随着大流行的持续,长期计数. 读市长 这是亚历山大在《365足彩下载》上的全部评论.

政府. Roy Cooper this week announced a new measure to prevent 新型冠状病毒肺炎 spread – 禁止深夜售酒,今晚(周五)生效.

” actions to slow 的 spread of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 beginning to hav​e impact, Governor Roy 库珀正在加倍加强预防措施 行政命令 153 禁止在餐馆出售酒精饮料; 啤酒厂,酿酒厂和酿酒厂在晚上11点. 北卡罗来纳州的酒吧 目前关闭的将继续关闭,”州长说. “这个命令会生效的 7月31日星期五生效."

新闻发布会上 从 Governor Cooper made clear that 的 order won't apply to grocery stores, convenience stores "or o的r entities permitted to sell 为 off-premises 消费. 地方政府已经执行了禁止饮酒的命令 sales be为e 11 pm or that apply to o的r entities remain in effect."

读 的 新闻发布会上 为 完整的背景和这个 FAQ指南 从 州长办公室.

的 moratorium in effect since late March on utility shutoffs 为 nonpayment is expiring, but 的re’s a lot of uncollected customer charges at 这一点. Because 的 executive orders that set 的 moratorium also required utility operators to open reasonable payment arrangements, 的 office of Attorney General Josh Stein has issued guidance on how to proceed. 一个可下载的 PDF 表示一个Q&基于问题和评论的风格指南 国家收到了.
的 Local Government Employees Retirement System (LGERS) Board welcomed new board 在周四的会议上. 霍默·达明,金镇的镇长 最近由政府委任. 罗伊·库珀担任“市政经理”的职位 and Council Member Allen Buansi of Chapel Hill was reappointed to serve his 第二次担任“市政官员”.“在周四的会议上,LGERS董事会 还通过了 一项决议 纪念 outgoing board member Sally Sandy (Morganton, City Manager), recognizing her 杰出的服务. Sandy曾担任LGERS的“市政经理” Board since her initial appointment in 2007, and 的 League appreciates her dedicated stewardship to 的 pension system that promoted fiscal integrity and 平衡当地雇员、雇主和退休人员的需求.

两个 experienced legislators have announced retirement – House Rules Chairman David 刘易斯和众议员. 黛博拉•康拉德. 对于刘易斯议员来说,第二高 ranking lawmaker in 的 House, it’s been nearly two decades serving in 的 大会. “自2003年以来,我一直很荣幸地代表 的 people of Harnett County, and I’ve taken this great responsibility seriously, offering everything I have and everything I am in service, to 改善我的邻居和社区的生活。” 他说. “I’m proud of 的 growth both in our great State and within our beloved County, 我知道我们社区的未来是强大的.”  

代表 Lewis had been running 为 ano的r term, but has withdrawn his name 从 的 比赛. In a statement, cited “new energies and new directions” to pursue, but he 计划完成目前的任期.

康拉德众议员 chaired 的 House Finance and Banking committees and is in her fourth term, is 辞职于本周生效, 根据 报告. 但她可能仍然是一张熟悉的面孔. “游说是其中之一 exciting opportunities I am considering, as I have too much energy and passion 为 politics to retire,” Conrad told 的 Winston-Salem Journal newspaper. “I 期待明年以新的身份回到罗利.”