


埃登顿市长罗兰·沃恩(左)与Fullsteam啤酒厂首席执行官肖恩·莉莉·威尔逊, one of CityVision 2017's featured speakers.

CityVision 2017, the League's annual conference held in Greenville this year, concluded on Saturday after unforgettable presentations, 认识, 网络, 共享, swearings-in 和 good laughs. 的 theme this year was Connect -- connecting to technology, 新模式, 和 each other -- which the hundreds of attendees quickly took to heart. 观看视频回顾.

在CityVision 2017, 成员们设立了新的董事会和新的365足彩下载主席, Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara, 副总裁, Washington City Council Member William Pitt, 他们对西布伦市长鲍勃·马西尼在过去一年担任365足彩下载主席表示了热烈的感谢. Mayor Matheny will stay on in the role of immediate past president.

拉扎拉主席祝贺所有成员使2017年成为城镇具有里程碑意义的一年, 他们不仅在立法上取得了成功,而且在3月的大火使该组织的全部员工从罗利办事处撤离后,他们给予了365足彩下载的支持. Said President Lazzara, "This organization has continued without missing a beat, 和 it's a testament to the staff's dedication. But it was also a testament of your involvement 和 your engagement. We were successful because of the partnership that we have."

的 League also gave Community Champion awards to legislators -- 代表. 查克•麦迪森. 保罗·牛顿 -- who gave st和out service to cities 和 towns this year. 众议员麦格雷迪和参议员牛顿都表示,365足彩下载今年在大会上取得的成就归功于其成员与立法者建立的积极关系和沟通. “当我们了解州和地方政府如何合作时,我们会做得更好," 代表resentative McGrady 说. 他补充说:“如果你们中有更多人竞选州参众两院议员,我们会做得更好." 森ator Newton likewise commended the League's membership 和 staff. "It was my honor 和 privilege to help," he 说.

Last week's LINC'ed IN included other coverage straight from CityVision. 这次在格林维尔会议中心举行的会议从此成为人们关注的焦点 in a Greenville Daily Reflector editorial about the value of the city's investment in that facility. 365足彩下载及其成员感谢格林维尔市主办了一次极为成功的会议.

现在仍有时间申请加入民盟的政策委员会, 哪一个是参与到有利于所有城镇的倡导工作的好方法. 最后期限 fill out an interest form 是11月. 18. You can return the form to 公共 & Government Affairs Coordinator Karen Waddell. 的 立法 Action Committees 和 Regulatory Action Committee 在制定365足彩下载优先事项和使州和联邦决策者了解城镇需求方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 今天就参与进来!

下周将在罗利举行另一场立法会议,从10月11日开始. 4 with potential to carry over subsequent days. 包括“内部州政府新闻服务”在内的媒体引用了众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔发给众议院议员的一封电子邮件,告诉他们预计会有一天以上的会议. 会议定于周三中午开始,会议活动可能包括 否决覆盖judicial redistricting. LINC'ed IN reported earlier this month on what the session's rules allow.

为了准备2020年人口普查,鼓励市政官员参与 upcoming training sessions for the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) program. Local governments are "invited to review the U.S. Census Bureau list of addresses for their area through the LUCA program. 卢卡培训课程将在北卡罗莱纳州各地举行,以演示卢卡流程, 鼓励地方政府管理人员参加最方便的会议,” an announcement with complete details. Sessions are set for Oct. 10月23日,布恩. 10月25日,西尔瓦. 30 in Rutherfordton, Oct. 11月31日,阿什维尔. 1 in Charlotte, 和 Nov. 2在山核桃. Additional dates will be added. Workshops are presented by the U.S. Census Bureau's Atlanta Regional Census Office staff 和 hosted by N.C. Councils of Governments.

"Beer is the beverage of community,” Sean Lilly Wilson, 他是一家总部位于达勒姆的酿酒师,他在北卡罗来纳州啤酒厂数量呈指数级增长的变化中发挥了作用,并为周围环境带来了快乐. On the latest episode of the 市政方程 podcast 在CityVision 2017的现场录音中,我们听到威尔逊讨论啤酒厂如何在市中心和仓库区的复兴中发挥重要作用,并重新激发了社区意识. 好, local beer is economic development, 家乡的骄傲, craftsmanship 和 more, 他说, 众所周知,酿造啤酒的制造商并不会限制公民参与, 要么. Oh, 和 who's that other guy we're hearing, here? 是, .... 辛巴达? 听现在 和 在iTunes订阅 (where we'd appreciate a friendly review).

来自全国各地的城市领导人谴责本周公布的“六大”税收改革计划,因为它可能会取消州和地方的税收减免, commonly referred to as the SALT deduction. National League of Cities President 和 Clevel和, 俄亥俄州, City Council Member Matt Zoned weighed in on Wednesday via 新闻发布会上“美国的城市一致认为,我们的税法过于复杂,需要改革. 我们很高兴看到国会和政府愿意精简税制,降低税率, 但是,这种改革努力不能消除使城市能够加强社区的关键工具, make infrastructure investments 和 keep residents safe." Route Fifty has a full news story about the local government reaction to the plan.

参与… herewegrownc.org

You heard about the value of 我们在这里成长 at our annual conference last week in Greenville. Now it's time to get involved. 我们在这里成长——对我们的会员免费——是365足彩下载讲故事的经济发展活动, 而你是它的燃料. 我们在这里成长, 你可以提交你所在城镇的本地经济或增长成功案例:企业招聘, public-private partnerships, municipal investments that have led to private investments 和 jobs, 或者你有什么. We know you have stories to tell. And when we share them all as one, 我们展示了整个州市政当局所做的工作的集体价值. We're already doing that at herewegrownc.org, the hub of 我们在这里成长 -- where you can 浏览的故事 来自全国各地的城镇,我们期待着更多. 还没有注册? What are you waiting for? 发个邮件给 about@herewegrownc.org requesting login credentials 和 we'll set you up. It's easy, 和 the value you add is huge.

N.C. 度假小镇和会议城市协会(RTCC)选出了新的领导人, with Holden Beach Mayor Alan Holden now as chairman. “我期待着在北卡罗来纳州各地的城市领导人彼此之间以及我们州一级的立法者之间建立积极关系的坚实基础上继续发展,霍尔登市长说。. RTCC, 365足彩下载附属机构, 侧重于加强城镇为游客服务的能力以及旅游和旅游社区面临的问题. “无论我们是否专注于接待被我们州的自然美景所吸引的游客, 体育赛事, 音乐会, 节日, 约定, 或者其他会议, 我们都能从与国家领导人并肩合作中受益,霍尔登市长说。. 橡树岛市长陈手册将继续担任RTCC的前任主席. A 新闻发布会上 提供有关集团及其2017-18年度董事会的更多详细信息.

来自清洁水管理信托基金的近2000万美元将流向该州各地的社区. "的 new grants awarded last week will be used to protect 10,286英亩, including western waterfalls, 海上森林, 历史性的堡垒, greenways 和 trails 和 buffers around military bases," a 新闻稿 说. 超过8200英亩的土地将向公众开放,供远足、观鸟和其他娱乐用途. 拨款还用于修复该州超过13英里的水道的10个项目,以及旨在引入管理雨水的创新技术的5个项目." 的 fund's website has a 完整的列表 of recipients 和 projects.