


事情发生的经过: 没有国家预算, but the legislature continued passing its series of "mini" budget bills to cover things as the impasse between the governor 和 lawmakers over the greater spending plan has somewhat petrified 和 the second half of a veto-override vote hangs in the air. 
单词释义: 参议院领袖菲尔·伯格 告诉媒体 that the combined total of the "mini" budgets 和 continuing funding from the previous plan has gotten somewhat near to the total of the overall state budget that Governor Roy Cooper vetoed months ago. In effect, that gives us some variation on an overall spending plan, observers said. 
利用: The chambers might take up a few more "mini" budgets later this month. We're also looking for a final vote to extend the state Historic Preservation Tax Credit, which the Senate unanimously approved this week. 更多细节将在本公告中介绍.
瘦子: We do seem to be near the end, possibly, according to a report in the Insider this week. It noted that rank-和-file legislators will have next week off while chamber leaders meet to go over what they need to accomplish before adjournment, 伯杰参议员, 为一个, 他说他的目标是10月10日. 31. 

本周参议院, 在一致投票中, approved the extension of the state Historic Preservation Tax Credit for an additional four years. 通过 HB 399 Extend Tax Credits/Other Finance Changes 应该导致一个成就 主要365足彩下载政策目标 if the House agrees to Senate changes 和 Gov. 罗伊·库珀签署法案使之成为法律. The tax credit, set to expire at the end of the year, would continue until Jan. 2024年1月1日. The legislation is one of many bills that legislators approved that largely duplicates provisions within the state budget bill after Cooper vetoed that legislation 和 legislators have yet to either fully override the veto or agree to a compromise budget. The bill version approved by the Senate on Thursday does not include House provisions that would have increased the amounts that developers could take for individual project credits 和 that would have enhanced the credit in declared disaster areas. The House will now consider the Senate changes 和 can either accept them or seek to negotiate differences. 

Lawmakers this week approved 和 sent Gov. Roy Cooper a "mini" budget bill addressing the N.C. Department of Transportation 和, with it, support for municipalities in Powell Bill funding. 这是在 2019-2021两年期HB 100 DOT预算, a one-agency funding bill lawmakers passed in the absence of an approved, overall state budget. 他们也派总督去 HB 387成长得很好上周在这里提到过. It's another "mini" budget exp和ing the GREAT program to Tier 2 counties, though local governments remain ineligible for the funds, 旨在扩大宽带的机会.

The Senate did not concur with House changes to sb433dncr综合汽车 & 其他的变化,我们对此进行了报道 上周这件事引起了众议院的注意. The House added provisions to the bill related to providing emergency operating funds for utilities, clarifications of the uses 和 reimbursement procedures for certain coastal storm funding, 并清点阻燃泡沫. A motion to concur in the Senate failed 44-0. 
州长签署了 HB 283康纳法, which among other things steps-up penalties for assault with a firearm on a law enforcement officer. “Law enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way every day 和 we should never forget the sacrifice of those who have fallen in the line of duty,库珀州长说。. 

他们不断涌入. 伟大的, local economic development 和 quality-of-life stories from municipalities all across the state are being told -- with clear focus on the municipality's role -- online at 我们在这里成长, 通过 herewegrownc.org. The League provides 我们在这里成长 in partnership with WRAL TechWire as an unparalleled hub of good news coming out of North Carolina cities 和 towns, 和 布恩是最新入选的. 山城, 与新面孔一起成长, 是否在努力满足居民的需求, 哪一种自然偏爱户外美景. “A focus of our Town Council has been the preservation 和 expansion of our park property,” said Town Manager John Ward in the article. “我们看到了增长. So they identified as a top priority to set aside some of our natural elements, 以公园的形式受到保护.阅读更多关于他们的计划, 和 comb through a long list of other stories from North Carolina cities 和 towns, 网上网址: herewegrownc.org. 我们在这里成长 is totally free for League-member cities 和 towns. 发送有关参与的问题到 League Communications Associate Jack Cassidy​.

Grammy Award-winning artist Common 和 cities-focused author Peter Kageyama are booked to keynote this year's 城市峰会, the National League of Cities' annual conference that draws local government officials 和 supporters from across the country for a better tomorrow. 定于11月11日. 德州圣安东尼奥,20-23.  "The conference will offer local officials education for professional development, discussions on common challenges 和 new trends affecting cities 和 proven best practices that will improve local communities,NLC说. 这是NLC秋季会议的独家报道, mobile workshops offer city leaders a chance to see the success of peers during guided tours of noteworthy municipal projects." You can learn more about the 100-plus educational sessions 和 networking opportunities, 还有更多, at citysummit.缴送工作.org