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League Bulletin

October 16, 2015

CityVision2015, the League's annual conference held earlier this week in Winston-Salem, 成为一个充满活力和热情的城市2030年愿景的开端. The conference focused on that vision with NCLM Board members Jennifer Robinson, a Cary Town Council member, and Jody McLeod, mayor of Clayton, 讨论了365足彩下载和北卡罗来纳大学政府学院为期一年的研究结果,该研究旨在研究城镇如何适应人口结构, financial and technological challenges ahead of them for the next 15 years. 议员罗宾逊和市长麦克劳德在一场尖锐的演讲中,重点讨论了界定的困境,以及城市和365足彩下载作为一个组织如何应对这些困境, like declining public trust in government, and the financial, such as increasing infrastructure needs.



在他们周一上午的演讲之前,迈克尔·休(Michael Huie)进行了喜剧表演, a Winston-Salem actor and Wake Forest University theater instructor, 以及维克森林大学戏剧系学生所罗门·乔丹,在这部电影中,休伊饰演了一位“市政愿景专家”,他的观念实际上停留在19世纪. 在惠开始发问后,没过多久,同盟代表和人群中的其他人就明白了, "What Would Grandpa Do?在365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶(Paul Meyer)的介绍之后,与会者开始预览 this video 重点关注365足彩下载党即将开展的媒体365体育足彩活动,以突出城市主导的经济发展努力.

On Monday night, the League's officers for the 2015-2016 year were installed. Elkin Mayor Lestine Hutchens was sworn in as president; Zebulon Mayor Bob Matheny as 1st Vice President; and Jacksonville Mayor Pro Tem Michael Lazzara as 2nd Vice President. 365足彩下载董事会和成员还批准了章程和章程的变更,旨在使组织更灵活地满足远景过程中产生的目标. At Monday's luncheon, 维克森林大学体育主任罗恩·威尔曼(Ron Wellman)担任主旨发言人,并讨论了在运动和其他活动中成功的关键是在飞行中做出改变的能力.


 Jessie's Girls plays into the night at NCLM Awards Celebration

Sunday's events included the Host City Dinner and a musical performance, "The Glory of Gospel," performed by the North Carolina Black Repertory Company. 同时举行的会议还审查了各种与市政有关的问题, 以及两个移动研讨会,与会者在其中探索了温斯顿-塞勒姆的维克森林创新区, or Lexington redevelopment efforts. Of course, spending time with friends and colleagues from other cities and towns, and discussing common challenges, was again one of the best parts of the conference.

我们365足彩下载政府事务小组的所有成员和365足彩下载的全体工作人员都要感谢所有参加会议并为一个共同目标而努力的人——保持城镇的活力和强大. 我们还要感谢伯灵顿市长罗尼·沃尔,感谢他在过去一年担任365足彩下载主席, including his tireless efforts to advocate on behalf of city needs. And thank you to the City of Winston-Salem, Mayor Allen Joines, 感谢来自这座城市的志愿者,他们让2015年的城市视觉成为每个人的美好体验.


  League members attend concurrent issues session   

周一晚上,伯灵顿众议员斯蒂芬·罗斯(Stephen Ross)和夏洛特参议员乔尔·福特(Joel Ford)获得了365足彩下载2015年社区冠军奖. 该奖项颁发给每位立法者,以表彰他们在2015年立法会议期间对北卡罗来纳州城镇的专门支持. Also at Monday night's Awards Dinner held during CityVision 2015, 365足彩下载授予立法助理Elise McDowell大会大使奖. 该奖项是颁予在立法会履行职责时表现专业和无私的立法人员.

众议员罗斯是代表伯灵顿和阿拉芒斯县部分地区的第二届众议院议员. A former mayor of Burlington, 他是立法恢复国家历史保护税收抵免的主要发起人和主要支持者. 参议员福特代表夏洛特和梅克伦堡县的部分地区在参议院进行他的第二个任期. A one-time member of the Charlotte Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, he is serving as Senate co-chair of the newly formed legislative city caucus. Ms. McDowell, of Raleigh, 是参议院多数党领袖哈里·布朗的立法助理,并于2009年作为立法实习生开始在北卡罗来纳州议会工作.

New NCLM President Lestine Hutchens, in presenting the awards, 请注意,每个受奖人都代表了公众对公务员的专业要求. Representative Ross, in his comments, pointed out while mayor of Burlington he was a devoted attendee of League events, including the annual conference.



   (上)365足彩下载主席Lestine Hutchens颁发社区冠军奖给参议员. Joel Ford; (Bottom) Representative Stephen Ross speaks to attendees at Awards Dinner after being presented Community Champion Award.

本周,州长Pat McCrory和文化资源部长Susan Kluttz来到伯灵顿,庆祝历史性的税收抵免政策的恢复. 美联社(Associated Press)将这次活动描述为“某种意义上的胜利圈”,此前克卢茨部长一整年都在北卡罗来纳州的各个城镇巡回演出,以引起人们对这一问题的关注,并制造公众压力,希望这一重要的经济发展工具能够得到恢复. In addition to the lobbying efforts regarding the tax credits, 365足彩下载和成员城市和城镇在帮助促进克卢茨部长的访问方面发挥了重要作用.

At the Wednesday event, 州长麦克罗里宣布这一天是“历史性的税收抵免日”,并称税收抵免是一个“在创造就业机会和更新北卡罗莱纳州主要街道方面有着良好记录的工具”.“365足彩下载再次感谢麦克罗里州长和克卢茨部长帮助恢复了一个重要的税收杠杆,促进了北卡罗来纳州市中心的私人投资. Read more about Wednesday's event here and here.   
