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League Bulletin

October 23, 2020

​WHAT HAPPENED: The League and the N.C. 县专员协会促进了地方领导人和州卫生官员之间的电话会议,讨论在疫情持续期间采取的措施. 州长单独宣布,该州将在该州重新开放的第三阶段“保持暂停”.

WHAT IT MEANS: The metrics are detailed in slides from the governor’s office, specifically looking at numbers over the previous 14 days. After the phone calls with local leaders, 该州向36个最令人担忧的县发出了一封信. 他们已被白宫特别工作组确定为“值得关注的县”.这封信阐述了通过政策和个人行为来阻止传播的方法.

ON TAP: League members – submit your written ideas for the 2021-22 legislative policy goals planning process. 在各城镇与大会共同努力取得重要成果之际,这是让你们的社区发出声音的机会.

THE SKINNY: The common theme here is awareness and action. 关注社区内外的数字和趋势,并参与改进过程. We thank you for your continued leadership.

民盟2021-22年立法政策目标规划过程的现场规划会议已经结束, but it’s not too late to take part in this critical process. 我们需要你们的参与,以确保城镇的声音被听到,与你们有关的问题被纳入我们的立法目标一揽子计划.

各乡镇应当书面提出目标建议 via our online form by Nov. 5.

国家卫生领导人,在365足彩下载和N安排的电话会议上.C. Association of County Commissioners, 最近与受灾最严重的县的地方官员讨论了应对疫情的最有力方法,包括考虑在当地实施的政策,因为最近的趋势和住院治疗继续让专家们感到担忧. “我们当地合作伙伴令人难以置信的工作使北卡罗来纳州避免了第一波和第二波COVID-19阳性病例的快速激增,这些病例摧毁了许多其他州,” N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. 曼迪·科恩(如图)在接到电话后给市和县官员写了一封信. “为了保护我们的社区,我们必须继续共同努力,抗击COVID-19.科恩专门把这封信发给了该州36个县的领导人,这些县的指标最令人担忧. “You are in a county that has had 300 or more new cases in the last 14 days and has been identified by the White House Task Force as a county of concern; your case rate is greater than 50 cases per 10,000 people; or your county is one of the top three most populous counties in the state.” N.C. 公共安全部部长埃里克·胡克斯也签署了这封信.

信中列举了当地采取行动减缓疫情传播的例子, which you can review in full here. They include ordinance measures; the letter notes the relevant state statutes for them. More broadly, 科恩强调,国家提供的一系列365体育足彩材料有英语和西班牙语版本 “我们希望你能考虑做或继续在该州已经发生的事情:创建当地的标志, flags, and banners to promote compliance; promoting the Three W’s when speaking to the press and community groups; partnering with local media on radio and television spots; and promoting similar messaging on social media and web-pages,” Cohen said.

该州的新举措是在其COVID-19仪表板上提供县级数据 请参阅摘要仪表板页面的案例县地图部分. It includes the number of total cases, the number of cases from the prior day, the number of cases over the last seven days, and the number of cases over the last 14 days.

​Gov. 罗伊·库珀本周宣布,在COVID-19的警告下,北卡罗来纳州将在该州重新开放的第三阶段“保持暂停”. “最近几周,北卡罗来纳州的住院人数和病例轨迹都有所增加. Governor Cooper underscored the importance of wearing masks, social distancing, 尽管对大流行感到疲劳或沮丧,但仍能做出良好的判断,” a press release from the governor’s office said. “我们正在尽一切努力减缓这种病毒的传播. This simple fact is we can’t do it on our own. 忽视病毒并不能使它消失,恰恰相反。.C. Department of Health and Human Resources Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen. “As hard as this is, it will end. We will get through this. Let’s do it by looking out for one another. Whatever your reason, get behind the mask.” Slides 从州长简报中详细介绍了导致第三阶段延期的趋势. A five-page executive order explains further.

联邦官员表示,2020年人口普查的各州计数可能无法在法定的年底截止日期前准备好,因为他们正在寻找灵活性和故障排除的机会. Route Fifty reports 包括大流行在内的因素导致人口普查局的业务出现各种延误和变化, 包括美国政府问责局(Government Accountability Office)在内的主要观察人士发出了不完整的可能性信号, inaccurate count. “我们现在的计划是,如果我们需要更多的时间来解决一个可能影响人口普查质量的问题, we’re taking it,” Al Fontenot, associate director of decennial census programs for the bureau, said this week.

According to Fontenot, 工作人员正在用更快的电脑和24小时的处理努力工作, but there are no assurances. 他还表示,目前还不确定他们是否能在3月31日之前产生最终的重新划分数据, 2021 deadline, Route Fifty reports.

The Census Bureau’s newsroom this week reported that all states have topped the 99 percent response rate, 总体自我反应率(67%)优于2010年手术(66%).5 percent). Data collection for the 2020 Census ended Oct. 15. 该局表示,纸质回复仍在陆续收到,如果在10月10日之前盖上邮戳,将予以处理. 15 and received by Oct. 22.  
