


事情发生的经过: It almost felt like lawmakers were still underway with the long session they adjourned last week. 在一件大事中,委员会一级的立法者开始了 绘制新的国会选区地图这一过程总是伴随着会议级别的政治辩论. 与此同时,政府. Roy Cooper was signing or vetoing bills lawmakers sent him from the adjourned session, and comments continued to fly around the lack of a comprehensive state budget. 其他新闻, 周二, voters in 92 North Carolina counties went to the polls for municipal elections, 它们“对我们的日常生活有巨大的影响”,” 凯伦·布林森·贝尔说他是国家选举委员会的执行主任. We thank everyone who took part in that process, as an incumbent, new candidate or voter. Alcohol referenda and bond issues were also on ballots in many communities, including a $95 million affordable housing bond plan in Durham that 通过大 76%的人赞成.
单词释义: 会议结束, but there's plenty underway to keep everyone busy: bills to sign or veto, 法院命令(重新划分选区), 需要任命的董事会, and preparation for formal returns to House and Senate business quite soon. 
利用: 参众两院定于周三复会. 按照采用的规则, they'll be able to take up remaining business in work on conference reports, though congressional redistricting is meant to be the main focus. 

瘦子: 即使是在联合国大会不在的时候, legislative committees and staffers continue to shape North Carolina policy, and League eyes remain open as if the session were still in progress. 事实就是这样, 在本质上, with lawmakers back next week for business before plans for another convening in January, 哪些规则将允许他们处理更广泛的问题, ahead of the routine "short session" scheduled to begin just a few months after that. 请继续阅读过去一周的更多更新. 

Gov. Roy Cooper this week put ink to more bills approved by the legislature -- in some cases with a ballpoint pen and others with his red veto stamp. 州长使之成为法律的新闻法案包括 SB 199​, which the governor's office said would "close loopholes in existing sexual assault laws and strengthen penalties against child abusers." He also signed a bill to restore Saturday voting before election day. 周三,州长颁布了法律 SB 559, An Act to Permit Financing for Certain Storm Recovery Costs. 他还开了绿灯 sb433, DNCR综合汽车 & 其他的变化, an agency bill we reported on last week when it took on provisions of interest related to emergency operating funds for utilities, clarifications of the uses and reimbursement procedures for certain coastal storm funding, 并清点阻燃泡沫.

Governor Cooper pressed his veto stamp into several bills, including SB 578减少特许经营税/扩大电影补助. 虽然他支持电影业的这个项目, 库珀州长对特许经营减税提出了异议, 用他的话说 否决消息 that the bill "prioritizes tax cuts over investments in education..." He also red-stamped SB 250 Remove Foreign Citizens from Voting Rolls on Wednesday, and 还有三张账单 星期五早上. Complete lists of actions from the governor of bills from the legislature are at http://www.ncleg.gov /Legislative

约翰·菲尔普斯, longtime staff attorney for the League and currently its general counsel, is set to retire in what comes as bittersweet news for the office and membership. 除夕夜生效, Phelps' retirement will close out two-and-a-half decades of important legal work at the League for cities and towns across North Carolina. 在他的职业生涯中, John has demonstrated loyalty to the members and our mission and operated with the utmost integrity,365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶说. “他的贡献, 专业知识, 集体的记忆, 而积极的态度将会被深深怀念, 我们祝贺并庆祝这一应得的退休生活." 
Phelps said he considers himself "exceedingly fortunate to have had the opportunity to be a member of the League of Municipalities family for the majority of my working career– a family consisting of great colleagues and friends at the office and countless hard working and gracious municipal officials all across our state." He added: "It is with mixed emotions that I move into retirement, but I do so with confidence that the League will continue to move forward to help our members serve their residents and improve quality of life." 
Phelps has worked in various levels with the organization's legal team and became general counsel with the recent retirement of longtime League counsel Kim Hibbard. Please join us in congratulating Phelp​s on his close-out to a long and acclaimed career. 在加入365足彩下载之前, he worked in private law practice in Lillington and Dunn and served as general counsel to the N.C. 农村供水协会. He earned his law degree at Campbell University and also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science undergraduate degree, 也来自坎贝尔大学. To provide continuity and strength during this important transition, League staff attorney Jennifer Schneier will serve as interim general counsel, working with fellow staff lawyers Gregg Schwitzgebel and Monica Jackson. Schneier joined the League in spring 2019, coming from the legal team for the City of Greensboro.

The governor has appointed Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo to his Advisory Council of Film, 电视和数字流媒体, 根据… 新闻发布会上. 萨福市长对电影业并不陌生, 和他的市政府有着长期的关系, nicknamed “Hollywood East” and the location of numerous hit movies like “Iron Man 3” and television series like “Dawson’s Creek.萨福自2007年以来一直担任威尔明顿市长. EUE/Screen Gems执行副总裁Bill Vassar, 也来自威尔明顿, 被提名为电影委员会成员, 正如N一样.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources Secretary Susi Hamilton, 来自威尔明顿的前众议院议员.
The governor also appointed Greenville City Manager Ann Wall to the N.C. 水处理设施操作员认证委员会. A press release named Wall to the seat and noted it represents a municipality using a surface-water supply. Wall previously served as assistant city manager for Rocky Mount as well as Charlotte and is a member of the International City & 县管理协会,新闻稿说. 
