


政府. Pat McCrory indicated this week that his push for a statewide transportation bond is not over. 州长麦克罗里, 在北卡罗来纳州首席执行官论坛上发表讲话, 说,, 如果再次当选, he plans to push for an additional $1 billion bond package to support road construction 和 transportation infrastructure. 的 McCrory administration had sought a larger bond package this year that included transportation funding, but the General Assembly could agree only on a $2 billion plan focused on state building 和 non-transportation infrastructure. That borrowing plan will be put before North Carolina voters on March 15. 阅读更多州长的评论 在这里.
国家水利基础设施管理局(SWIA) 最近发布了 2015年度报告 代表大会的几个委员会, 提供其工作的概述, 对该州水利基础设施的关注和问题. 该报告还就解决所提出的问题提出了建议. SWIA是由立法机关于1986年创建的 2013年预算 to be an independent body with primary responsibility for awarding both federal 和 state funding for water 和 wastewater infrastructure projects through the administration of the State Clean Water 和 Drinking Water Revolving Funds 和 the Community Development Block Grant Infrastructure Grant Program. 的 authority has awarded $218 million in grant 和 loan funds in 2015. Among the issues raised in the report is the ability of utility revenues to provide for not only short-term needs but longer-term capital improvements.
的 League congratulates Durham Mayor Pro Tem Cora Cole-McFadden for her recent election to the National League of Cities Board of Directors. Mayor Pro Tem Cole-McFadden's election was announced on Saturday at the NLC's annual Congress of Cities 和 Exposition held in Nashville, 田纳西州. 她的任期为两年. Mayor Pro Tem Cole-McFadden currently serves on the NCLM's General 政府ernment 立法 Action Committee 和 was a member of the most recent 365足彩下载董事会 提名 Committee. 她的任命, the NLC will gain a dedicated advocate for North Carolina municipalities with an established record of supporting municipal services that improve residents' quality of life. 阅读国家图书馆的公告 在这里.
A Piper Jaffray本周报道 表示,, were municipal bonds to be defined as High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA), the likely result would be banks purchasing an additional $1 billion of municipal securities per month 和 municipal borrowing costs dropping by an average of 15 basis points. 的 inclusion of municipal bonds in the definition of HQLA would be achieved by Congress passing H.R. 2209, which was recently voted out of the House 金融 Services Committee with bipartisan support. 银行被要求持有一定数量的HQLA, but regulators left municipal bonds out of the HQLA definition last year. 从那时起, 北卡罗来纳州的城市, 以及全国城市365足彩下载, 有没有努力将市政债券纳入HQLA的定义. H的支持信.R. 2009年由国家图书馆和一些伙伴组织发送 可以在这里找到. If you are interested in reaching out to your 代表resentative or Senator regarding this legislation 和 would like any further information, 请 联系365足彩下载研究主任 & 政策分析克里斯·奈达.
住宿租赁公司Airbnb, which allows homeowners to rent temporary lodging in their homes via web 和 mobile app, this week pledged to work with municipalities on regulations 和 to pay its fair share of hotel 和 other taxes. 的 爱彼迎社区契约 also calls for working with municipal governments to prevent people from operating what are essentially permanent illegal hotels in the guise of residential housing, 对这项服务的主要批评是什么. 的 announcement of the compact represents a fairly significant turn for the firm, which had been aggressive in fighting city regulation of its service. 阅读媒体对Airbnb行动的报道 在这里在这里.   

代表. Ken Waddell of Chadborn is the latest legislator to announce that he will not seek another term. 前查德伯恩市长, 2012年首次当选众议院议员, 提到了决定不寻求连任的时间承诺. 的 League thanks 代表resentative Waddell for his service in the legislature, looks forward to continuing to work with him t在这里 in the coming year, 并祝愿他今后一切顺利.

With a state law on the books requiring that tied municipal elections be settled "by lot," seven town council elections were recently decided by coin flips 和 other r和om means. Winners were chosen at r和om following tied town board elections in Clarkton, 古德温, 西杰佛逊, 斯巴达, 西尔瓦和加兰. 布雷登县选举委员会主席Bobby Ludlum说, who decided the Garl和 race with the flip of a 1881 Morgan silver dollar, 告诉《365体育足彩》 & Observer of Raleigh that no one "liked doing it that way, but that's the way the law reads.了解更多关于陷入僵局的选举 在这里.
前第二区国会议员蒂姆·瓦伦丁于周二去世,享年89岁. 瓦伦丁于1983年至1995年在国会任职, 此前曾在州议会任职三届. After leaving Congress, he helped form the Tar River L和 Conservancy. 365足彩下载向他的家人表示慰问. 
N.C. 上诉法院驳回了重新考虑10月11日判决的请求. 6 decision upholding a state law that transfers ownership of the water system of the City of Asheville to a regional water 和 sewer authority.  法院没有作任何解释就拒绝了这一请求. 的 Asheville City Council has already 表示, it will appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court, although it is unclear whether the state's high court will agree to take up the case. 的 League had filed an amicus brief with the Court of Appeals in support of the city's case. 的 latest rehearing request was made because the Court of Appeals ruled that the city had waived its rights to argue aspects of the case that the lower court judge, 谁做出了有利于阿什维尔的裁决, said were not necessary for consideration to rule in the city's favor. That aspect of the decision could have far-reaching implications for all appellate court cases.