


前亚利桑那州女议员Gabby Giffords和她的丈夫, 退休宇航员马克·凯利, 周四在夏洛特举行的城市峰会上. 图片来源:国家图书馆

大约4,来自全国各地的市政府官员, 包括一支来自北卡罗来纳市政当局的队伍, 本周齐聚夏洛特 全国城市365足彩下载(NLC) 2017城市峰会. With general and breakout sessions along with expert speakers and activities at the Charlotte Convention Center, 重点包括经济发展, transportation and the what NLC CEO Clarence Anthony called the "revolution" of smart cities.

As local governments strive to better manage resources and understand local needs and behavior, 他们正在转向新技术 它可以收集和分析前所未有的数据. Anthony said that's local government's cue to commit, think big and imagine the possibilities. "City leaders, this is your moment," he told a room of thousands of officials on Thursday. “这是我们的时刻. 我们不能掉队." He asked every town, no matter its size, to learn about smart-city potential.

演讲嘉宾:田纳西州纳什维尔.,市长梅根·巴里发表讲话 全国性的阿片类药物滥用问题, which recently dealt her a devastating personal impact when it claimed the life of her only son. “这是一种流行病,她说, advising better use of tools like narcotic-blocking drugs and more availability of treatment beds. Other guests on Thursday included 退休宇航员马克·凯利 and his wife, the former Arizona congresswoman and gun-violence survivor Gabby Giffords, who shared their own difficult stories and generated standing ovations for their words of courage.

The City Summit this week also included a League-hosted North Carolina leadership reception attended by about 200 officials from across the state, 包括365足彩下载董事会成员和主席迈克尔·拉扎拉, 杰克逊维尔的临时市长. 这次峰会 仍在继续 into Saturday with additional guest speakers, workshops and the release of 新NLC报告, including one assessing the "maker movement" and its economic impact in cities across the U.S.

北卡罗来纳的急救人员已经准备好加入FirstNet, "the first nationwide broadband network specifically built for public safety agencies,a说。 新闻稿 这周从州长办公室来的. 它解释了AT&T will team with FirstNet to build and run the network as part of a federal program -- 100 percent federally funded -- and will be geared for first responders to keep communication flowing during the kinds of disasters that could hamper or disable other communication channels.

国会于2012年成立了FirstNet as a post-9/11 public safety and response improvement, with states allowed to opt in to it. The League had a representative involved in the State Broadband Infrastructure Office's review team that assisted the office in the plan toward joining FirstNet, which according to the state could cover nearly all of North Carolina's population within the first five years.

“急救人员应该拥有最先进的通信系统, 我们相信这是建立这个系统的第一步,州首席信息官埃里克·博耶特在新闻稿中说. “DIT has worked with public safety and IT professionals since 2014 to make sure that the people of North Carolina get the service they deserve. 最终,一旦这个网络到位,我们都会更安全.”

听一段新的插曲 of 市政方程, the League's biweekly podcast about cities and towns in changing times. 概要:适合指数级创新的时代, 关于智慧城市的讨论进展迅速. 我们应该放慢速度吗? 探索更多的道德问题? 评估我们的最佳实践和想法? 越来越多的人这样认为. 本期节目, we meet a town -- Cary --  that's built a "simulated smart city" so they can try it before they buy it and experiment to better understand how it all fits together. 我们采访了一位作家,他的新书, 在许多其他事情中, questions whether advances in civic technology are really taking the complexities of human beings and their various communities into account. Are we being inclusive in our efforts to collect better public data, 与居民接触, 管理市政资源? 有很多事情需要考虑. 在本集的后面, 我们选择了一个轻松的话题——名单, 由听众创造, 史上最优秀的虚构市长之一. 听现在! 或享受 过去的一段. 和 在iTunes订阅. If you've liked any particular episode or moment, let us know why in a brief iTunes review. 把你对节目的想法和想法发送给主持人/制作人 本•布朗.

Mitigating future flood risk is the focus of study work in eastern North Carolina right now as part of the state's post-Matthew recovery. 专家们将研究凯西的动态, 木材, Neuse和Tar河流域, and advisory councils are being established to include local leaders in areas around the 木材, Neuse和Tar, 在2016年10月的风暴中遭受了严重的破坏.

U.S. 森. Richard Burr called the news "an important step to develop and maintain better defenses against natural disasters like Hurricane Matthew.他补充说:“缓解措施将使它变得更容易。, faster and cheaper for North Carolina to bounce back from weather related events, 特别是在这四个流域这样的脆弱地区. I’m pleased with this progress and look forward to working with state and local entities to begin these efforts.“ 新闻稿 有完整的细节. 《365体育足彩》 覆盖 该声明引起了当地的反应.

随着联邦税收改革提案在国会迅速通过, 当地政府领导人正在探索潜在的影响, from the possible elimination of the federal historic tax credit to changes in tax-exempt status for bonds used to finance infrastructure. 周四,美国总统奥巴马在华盛顿举行了峰会.S. 众议院通过了 它的版本 of the tax reform plan, which the National League of Cities quickly condemned. It was a focal point of NLC President Matt 区 on Thursday during the organization's City Summit in Charlotte. 区, 克利夫兰市议会的成员, encouraged the thousands of local leaders in attendance to contact their representatives in Congress and urge protection of tax programs and other resources that drive the economy via cities.

“Cities will continue to challenge any plan that threatens the tax exemption for bonds used to finance critical infrastructure, eliminates the state and local tax deduction that protects local decision-making and erases tax credits that strengthen communities,区说 新闻稿 投票后. "We thank the members of Congress who stood with cities in rejecting this flawed bill, but we will now push the 森ate and conference committee to reject this bill and work on tax reform that actually moves America forward.“美国.S. House and 森ate each pushed its own version of tax reform that local leaders are dissecting, 哪一个是重点广泛 50号公路 星期四发表的.