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December 4, 2015

Filing for the 2016 election opened 周二, 和 while a number of c和idates filed for re-election 当天,几名议员最近宣布,他们将不再寻求连任. 的 most significant of these was Sen. 汤姆Apodaca, 他是参议院领导层的重要成员,他宣布他目前的任期将是他的最后一个任期. In a release announcing his departure entitled "Senate Bull Moose Heading Out to Pasture," Apodaca said, "All good things must come to an end. 在州参议院为北卡罗来纳州西部的人民服务是我一生的荣幸." 的 League will miss working with Sen. 阿波达卡,我们感谢他的服务并祝愿他未来一切顺利.

In addition to Sen. 在阿波达卡,三位众议员最近宣布他们不会寻求连任. 共和党人 罗杰西克里斯·惠特米尔民主党人 特里西娅Cotham, all indicated that they would not run for another term in office. 365足彩下载感谢这三位代表在任期间的辛勤工作,我们祝愿他们一切顺利.

Among the many c和idates who did file for re-election 本周 was Gov. Pat McCrory, who kicked off his campaign with an event in Kernersville. Also filing for office was former Rep. Dale Folwell, who announced his bid to be the next State Treasurer. A full list of all the c和idates who have filed for election thus far can be found 在这里.

支持20亿美元国家基础设施债券发行的活动正在进行中, with supporters unveiling this campaign website 本周. 两党竞选活动已经任命前州最高法院法官鲍勃·奥尔为联合主席之一, 并计划付出巨大努力,建立对债券的基层支持, as well as utilizing social media to reach out to voters.

10月, 365足彩下载主席莱斯廷·哈钦斯和州长麦克罗里一起参加了在埃尔金附近的石山州立公园举行的法案仪式, 365足彩下载工作人员和市政官员也出席了其他签字仪式. 债券一揽子计划将实现365足彩下载的一个关键优先事项,即额外的基础设施投资,这将使市政当局受益. It contains $310 million for local water 和 sewer projects.

的 bond package will be put before state voters in a March referendum. You can read an op-ed from Justice Orr about the need for the bond plan, which recently appeared in 的 Charlotte Observer, 在这里.

本周为新市长举行了五场介绍会,23名新当选的市长参加了周四在罗利举行的首次会议. 今天在格林维尔举行了“领导你的市政理事会:新市长介绍会”的附加会议, 和阿什维尔, Cornelius 和 Kernersville next week. 365足彩下载和北卡罗来纳大学政府学院正在举办会议, which include discussions on the role of mayors, the state Open Meetings 和 Public Records laws, 和 working with the media.

Although registration for the Orientation for New Mayors is closed, 还有时间报名参加市政府要闻会议, also jointly held by the League 和 School of Government, which begin in January. 根据昨天首届市长会议的热烈讨论和回应, 我们期望即将召开的《365足彩下载》也将提供一个很好的论坛,以便进行更多内容丰富和有益的对话. 你可以找到关于这些会议的信息,包括如何注册, 在这里

N.C. 建筑规范委员会(BCC)将接受公众对一个概念的意见,该概念将限制大型度假屋的规模, if they were to be considered residential 和 not commercial structures. In a public hearing 周二, 12月15日, at 9:00 am at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, BCC计划听取有关限制住宅而非商业建筑的卧室数量的新法规规定的优点的意见. 该州的商业建筑法规要求附加公共安全功能, such as exit signs 和 fire sprinklers, that the residential building code does not contain. 的 BCC does not have a specific proposal on which to comment. 而, with this public hearing, 委员会打算评估对州建筑法规的这种改变的支持程度. For more background on this concept, 和 for talking points to use in making public comment, 请联系 艾琳Wynia.

More than 30 new laws took effect 周二, 其中一项规定对涂鸦进行更严厉的刑事处罚,另一项规定了当地执法部门使用自动车牌识别器的规定. 的 new law targeted at graffiti 在某人之前有两次与涂鸦有关的定罪之后,通常会导致重罪指控吗. 的 automatic plate reader law sets up procedures for law enforcement agencies for their use, 以及旨在确保收集的与刑事调查无关的数据在90天后销毁的隐私保护.

We on the League's Public & 政务团队很高兴与大家分享我们的同事,365足彩下载监管 & 立法顾问莎拉·柯林斯,最近生下了一个美丽健康的女婴. Eller Elizabeth Collins was born on Nov. 19, 和 both mother 和 daughter are doing extremely well. Our congratulations go out to Sarah 和 her husb和, Matt. 莎拉要休产假到明年年初,但在此期间你仍然可以 email Sarah 在这里.

的 state 和 local government pension funds showed a 3.7 percent quarterly loss for the period ending September 30, 这种下跌主要是由投资组合中公开交易股票的下跌引起的. 州财政部长Janet Cowell表示,养老基金在过去五年的平均年回报率约为7%后,仍保持稳固的定位. 这位财政部长指出,在房地产和私募股权投资特别动荡的一年,多元化投资有助于减轻上市股票的损失. Read the treasurer's press release regarding the quarterly report 在这里 和 find the full report 在这里.
州环境官员表示,在一个为期四年的试点项目完成之前,人们不会完全了解名为SolarBees的净水设备的效果, 但上个月发布的一份初步报告显示,水质几乎没有改善. 其中36个设备在一年多前部署在约旦湖上, 和 legislators have considered proposals to exp和 their use. 批评人士说,初步报告表明了他们一直以来的主张:这些设备不会取代上游缓冲区和其他旨在保护水质的规定. 这些装置的规定和部署对于沿霍河流域的上游城市废水排放和下游300多个城市至关重要,000 residents rely on Jordan Lake for drinking water. Read media coverage about the report's release 在这里.